Facilities that offer pet boarding are easy to find if you search the Internet. Reliable pet travel facilities have a website that presents all the information you need for your hunt. However, the downside of this method is that you cannot personally inspect the place along with the facilities. All you have to do is to meticulously review all the online recommendations from past clients, travel authorities, veterinarians, and fellow dog lovers for you to come up with an excellent decision.
You can talk with the staff and caretakers in order for you to discover more info about their pet care values and policies. More importantly, observe how the dogs are housed and also, the diet they offer.
Make sure you get the telephone number of the centre and be sure also to leave yours to them so that you would have an instant connection during emergencies. One call while you are away is okay, but do not keep on ringing the staff that will be busy taking care of their ward. Furthermore, on the day of drop-off, hand your dog over to them without drama.
Before you settle on a facility, you need to check it out in person. You also have to make sure that cages are clean, dry, secure, and well-lit. If it is dark, with odor of wet dog or feces, located on damp basements, or perhaps it lacks proper supervision, then you need to look for another centre. Choose a facility that requires proof of vaccination. Make sure that all dogs are on tick and flea preventives. And lastly, you need to iron out an emergency plan - leave your contact information as well as instructions in case you cannot be reached.